Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Crochet Medallion Pattern Story, Alice Brooks 6406

In processing the Mail Order patterns, I've seen this particular story repeat many times.  I thought I'd take a couple minutes and share it with you.    The centerpiece of the story .... 

Crochet Star Medallion Pattern Design 6406

Alice Brooks 6406 - Crocheted Medallion - 5 or 8 inches

This particular story takes us back to 1939.   Every couple days in newspapers across the country, an advertisement for a pattern would be printed in the women's section.  The advertisement were written to resemble an article, a woman' feature.  

Medallion Crochet Pattern Newspaper Ad

Such as this article, which appeared in the Denver, CO paper on June 8, 1939.   Miss Doris Biggar, read the ad, and decided to purchase the pattern.    She mailed her letter, along with 10 cents to the newspaper's department.   On the bottom of the pattern clipping, she wrote in the date she mailed for the pattern.  (I frequently find this in the Mail Order patterns - the pattern and clipping inside the original mailing envelope).  

A couple weeks go by, and the pattern is returned.   (Note, the envelope reads mailed from the Denver Post, however, the Post Office stamp reads San Francisco).  

Now, what happens next I cannot say.  Did Miss Biggar stitch this medallion?  Did she make a tablecloth or a bedspread?  Did she later tuck the pattern away, or give it to a friend?  That part is a mystery.   What I do know, is someone came across this pattern, probably at an Estate sale, listed it as a lot on Ebay, and I purchased it ..... some 81 years later.  

And now, I've processed it into PDF format and listed in my shop.   It's been carefully preserved in a sleeve and store away with all the others.   And what will happen to?   Well, that I cannot say.  Perhaps, before I die, I'll donate them, or someone will take over the shop and continue to preserve, or perhaps they'll end up at another Estate sale 20 or 30 years from now.   

If you have these mail order patterns or catalogs, tucked away in drawers, I'd truly appreciate your sharing them.   I am trying to create a historical collection of these little 'Bits of History'.  

Thanks for dropping by, 