Saturday, September 9, 2017

Bucilla Hand Crocheted Cotton Kits and the NRA

Periodically I will come across a stack of loose pattern leaflets on Ebay and I almost always react along the lines of .... I WANT THEM ....   

These stacks can be a true treasure; you just never know what you are going to find.   Like this one ... 

 This is a promotional advertisement - Bucilla Hand Crocheted Cotton Kits - dated 1934 from Bernhard Ullman.   This is a three page folded over pamphlet.

"In this circular, you'll find a selection of 24 new and smart things you'll just delight in making"

Page Two  

Page Three

The back page gives us a list of Bernhard's current release of pattern books.  

One of the things I find interesting in this circular is there is no reference on how to obtain the kits.  Now, my assumption would be that you'd have to go to your local retailer, where this advertisement would have been available.  But still, no mail-order options.

Did you notice the little logo on the bottom right of page 4 ?. 

NRA We Do Out Part Advertisement
I found it quite interesting.  Not particularly that Bernhard Ullman were supporters of the NRA, but such a political statement for the time period ... it not being war-time.

The document is in fair condition only.  I've stuck it in a sleeve and stored away in the 'B' File.   Some day, when I die, I hope all this 'stuff' goes off to someone who will enjoy going through it as much as I do !

Thanks for dropping by,

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