Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lily's Album of Crocheted Designs, Book 1200

The year was 1944, WWII was in full force and women continued knitting and crocheting their home decor.  During this time period, chair sets gained popularity to extend the life of upholstery, and scarves and doilies, in addition to their individual beauty, covered scarred tables and added a 'new look' to the distressed home.    Wool Yarns because scarce and the majority of the pattern books were featuring Crochet Cottons, Strings or nylon materials. 

Book 1200, Lily Album of Crocheted Designs, Vintage 1944

In this time period, Lily Mills published the Lily Album of Crocheted of Designs; a collection of home and personal accessories.  Again, with the scarcity of materials, hats, collars, etc., updated the woman's 'tired-out' wardrobe.

As was typical, Lily Mills also advertised the release of their Book 1200 with magazine advertisements.

1944 Advertisement for Lily Album of Crocheted Designs, Book 1200

This ad appeared in the 1944-45 issue of McCall Needlework.  "A variety of items that will be a pleasure to make.  And these finer Lily Yarns bring far greater pride in more beautiful results".   The advertisement directs the reader to send 10 cents to the Shelby address of Lily Mills.   And, to sweeten the pot, an additional five pattern leaflets were tossed in! 

I do not have this pattern book in my collection (yet).   But, who knows .... one day it just might 'show-up'. 

Thanks for dropping by. 

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