Saturday, November 25, 2017

Royal Crest Yarn Contest

Through time, the various companies have employed a number of marketing strategies.   There are, of course, the pattern books, kits and paks, state fair contests, fashion shows, representatives offering help in individual shops, etc.   But this marketing ploy for this 'get to know us', came as a surprise. 

This is a full half page add in the 1953-54 issue of  McCalls Needlecraft.   In case you can't read the small print, the gest is  ... knit a piece with Royal Crest Yarn.  And then finish this sentence ... I LIKE ROYAL CREST YARNS BECAUSE .....   in 25 words or less.   Then, mail in your entry.   Enter as often as you like. 

There are 31 prizes ranging from a 1st prize of $500 down to $10.00.  YOU CAN'T Lose, because whether you win a cash prize or not, you'll discover Royal Crest Yarns will save you money!

I did my typical Google, newspaper and book searches and came up with only a couple pictures.  Apparently the yarn was not a big success.     Here's three that I did find.

Royal Crest - Moonlight 

Royal Crest  - Petite Royal - 1 oz skeins, 75% Virgin Wool, 25% Rayon

Royal Crest - Royality Yarn

I'm sure I'll find more in other magazines as I go along and will come back here with any other details. 

Thanks for dropping by.

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