Friday, April 20, 2018

Dritz Luxury Corde Yarn, Article 100

World War II has just ended and the yarn makers are again gearing up to produce yarns for the Home Needle Crafter, versus wools for the military market.   And, of course, John Dritz and Sons, continued with their brands for accessories ... in this case - Dritz Luxury Corde.

Dritz Luxury Corde:  50% rayon, 50% Cotton in 144 yard cones.  Primarily used for fashion asseccories - hats and bags, with a soft stiffness to hold shape.

The yarn was introduced in the market mid-year 1945 at the surprisingly high price (based on the time period) of $1.50 per cone in a limited number of colors.

Dritz supplied pattern sheets to the yarn shops, who displayed and gave them to customers with purchase of  the product.  (A very popular promotion, with many shops giving lessons as well).   In addition Dritz published pattern books.  The advertisement, for Volume 17 - Corde Style Book - was advertised in Needlework magazines to further entice the consumer.    Note that this ad includes 'Dritz Sparkle Corde".   I completed quite a number of searches and find no reference to this product.   I am assuming it is Luxury Corde with a strand of metallic.

And, moving into the early 1950's, pre-packaged kits became the rage and Dritz took their's a step further.  This bag kit (1953) cross-promoted their products.  All the products in the bag - plastic, corde and hardware all products of Dritz!

The high introductory price of $1.50 per cone did not hold -- there were a number of competitors that drove the price down.  Here, in this 1957 ad, the regular price had dropped to $1.00, which sales as low as 49 cents.

And, in 1958, after a 13 year run, Dritz withdrew their Luxury Corde from the market.

Out there in internet land are a  number of pattern books and leaflets with wonderful designs that are work pursuing.   I have a few patterns in the shop as well, should you care to browse.

Now,  you may be asking ... just what substitute do I use.   Well, I found the following suggestion in a late 1950's Alice Books Mail Order pattern:

1 strand of corde = 4 strands of Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton held together 
or a double strand of Sports Yarn.   

Okay, time for me to get back to work.    Thanks for dropping by.

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