Sunday, March 24, 2019

Crochet Baby Dress Pattern, Mail Order 846

Some of the Mail Order Patterns were marketed using different pattern pictures and descriptions to catch different audiences.   Sometimes they were also identified under different brand names, or no name at all.   A good example of this is the little girls dress, which was marketed under number 846.

My copy of Mail Order 846 shows this sweet toddler.   I've no doubt this image appeared in newspaper print, however, I've not yet found it.  It portrays the younger child size of the pattern - Age 2.

Here, in this February 14, 1948 advertisement from the Los Angeles Times, we find the picture promotion being aimed towards the order girl - Aged 6.

Again in the Los Angeles Times, May 12th, 1948, the photo portrays the mid range size of the pattern - Age 4.   Released again, with same picture in 1950.   February 15th, released in the Chicago Tribune as E-846 - also Needlework Bureau.   The pattern was released in New York in the same date spans - 1948 to 1952 under the name of Ellen Bruce, which was also the Needlework Bureau Brand.

Many of the Needlework Bureau patterns were also re-released under the Martha Madison Brand name in the 1960's.  Same pattern with one addition -- it has a size option between 6 and 18 months.
I've not yet found the relationship between Needlework Bureau ad Martha Madison, but have no doubt one day I will.

This pattern is available in the shop in the 6 to 18 month size), should you be interested in creating it for your own 'Special Miss".

Okay, on to the next pattern!    Thanks for dropping by!


  1. And there's that E- number again. From Peerless Fashion Service. If I could access my documents, I could tell you what the E- stood for.

  2. The E stands for Ellen Bruce, which, in my records, I've tied to Needlework Bureau. Is the Peerless Fashion Service the Parent Organization? I see it dates back to 1921(?).
