Monday, October 9, 2017

Little Catalog of Just Doilies, Spinning Wheel Patterns

Spinning Wheel was another syndicated player in the Mail Order Pattern business.   They were on a much smaller scale, selling (at least) through the Chicago Tribune Newspaper during the 1950's and early 1960's.   Their patterns were rebranded Anne Cabot designs.   As was typical in the mail order businesses, they did not print the their brand name on the patterns, but used a symbol --- A Spinning Wheel.  Just like the other designers, when one purchased a pattern, they could also purchase a catalog.    Their catalogs were much smaller and also contained a pattern.   This is one of their catalogs, which I'd like to share with you.

The Little Catalog of Just Doilies 
On the cover is Pattern 1101 - Gem Doily.   This pattern was included in the booklet. 

 And, on the inside cover, the typical diagrams of pattern stitches.   Also here is the Spinning Wheel Logo.  

 Page 6 and 7 

 Page 8 and 9

 Page 10 and 11

Page 12 and 13

And, on the back cover, an enlarged view of the Pineapple Doily, Pattern 1101.

I've seen these Spinning Wheel patterns, and know there are a number of them in my collection.   I just learned, for a helpful member of Ravelry, what name the Logo applied.   One day, should I ever run out of patterns to process (ya right), I'll have to go back through them and identify the others that are Spinning Wheel.  

Hope you enjoyed the Little Book of Just Doilies. 

Thanks for dropping by, 

10/09/2017 -- P.s.  This post originally appeared in the Shop Talk Blog in Feburary 2015.  I've just moved to the Bits of History, as that's what it's about ... a Bit of History.   


  1. Spinning Wheel was the pattern company in New Jersey behind the later Nancy Cabot patterns. We need to talk on the phone. I'm delighted beyond words to find someone diligently researching all these confusing bylines and the companies behind them. For starters, you might browse my first website,

  2. Two years ago I joined, which has been an incredible source of information. Although I've a fair number of patterns that carry the Spinning Wheel logo, each one of them have a matching newspaper advertisement that identifies the pattern as Needlework Bureau or Peggy Roberts.

    I've responded to your email message and look forward to talking about these patterns in the future!
