Monday, October 9, 2017

Woolco Brand Carpet Warp by January Woods Co.

I'll pick up a pattern for processing and a question will come to mind and then ... off I go ... sidetracked.  Like this.
Woolco Carpet Warp for Rug Pattern Leaflet 2231

This is Leaflet No 2231 from Woolco.  I'd say early 1950's.   The pattern gives directions for the pictured rug worked in Carpet Warp.   And, there's the thought.   What is a comparable carpet warp to refer to?    

Let the Google searches begin!.   Now, I learned that January & Wood Company, now defunct, but previously makers of Maysville Carpet Warp, also produced for carpet warp under the brands of Southern States, Ace Hardware, Kroger, K-Mart, Coats and Clarks, and ... you guessed it ... Woolco. 

Which, now knowing the equivalent brand is Maysville (named for the town of the January Woods factory ... which you'll probably recognize as Kentucky Yarn Co), I headed over to Ravelry for additional specifications on the yarn.   

I hope this is enough information to get one started, because I need to get back to work now!.   Oh, I've listed the Woolco Rug pattern as a Free Download, should you like to give it a try.  

Thanks for dropping by, 

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