The first newspaper advertisement, interestingly enough, appeared in in Des Moines, IA. There were several other ads that appeared during 1944 / 1945, but overall a very sparse product introduction. (no doubt, due to the wool shortage)
About the yarn ....
Botany Saxatones - 100% Pure Virgin Wool
Lightweight 3-ply yarn for sweaters and skirts.
Introduced in 2-oz skeins, and later 1-oz skeins.
In 1946, wool was again readily available for mainstream knitting and the re-introduction of Botany Saxatone commenced. The yarn, in 2-oz skeins, sold for 70 cents (same the the 1944 price). It is described as a Saxony type yarn (A fine grade of woolen yarn twisted somewhat harder and smoother than a Zephyr yarn).
In 1947, Botany added kits to their line of products. The kits were delivered to yarn shops for sell to the knitters. The kit included "matching Botany flannel" for the skirt part of the kit.
Sales continued strong into the 1950's. This 1954 advertisement "Ideal for stoles, socks, sweaters and sportswear". The color line has been extended to 'over' 40 colors.
By the end of the 1950's, sales apparently began to decline. Now, whether this was due to declining interest in the yarn, or Botany Brand emerging into the Fleishers/Bear Brand, I've not yet investigated. But, in the early 1960's, the promotions stopped.
Although there were no pattern books issued directly for Botany Saxatone Yarn, it was included in a fair number of other promotional books, as well as featured in several of the women' needlework magazines. There are a few of these patterns in the shop, should you care to browse. Finding a substitute yarn should not be difficult. You are looking for a 3-ply lightweight saxony or fingering yarn that meets the pattern stitch for the pattern.
Thanks for dropping by,